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Bad Police Experiences


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An earlier topic on this board about a guy who had a bad experience with a traffic cop jogged my memory of an incident which happened to me in Bangkok last year. Not posted here for ages (as am back in UK :o ) so I thought I'd share it and see if anyone has similar experience (and if so just how common is this type of thing?!?!)

Worst experience with police I had..........I was eating a fish at the side of the road by myself in BKK while chatting with the staff when some pissed up Thai guy taps me on the head with a tree branch. He kept on doing this getting harder every time so I flipped out - stood up and pushed him on hiss ass.

Boss of the restaurant runs out & tells me I have to go and that he "is police" :D so please pay up and go. I pay & leave without getting my change and start pegging it down the street to get a taxi REAL QUICKLY when a pickup truck screeches besides me and 2 police jump out and grab me (this time they are in uniform) then handcuff me to the back of the pickup :D :D :bah: crowds are gathering to witness the spectacle and the guy I threw on his ass returns the favour. He is blind drunk and ranting at me and insists on getting in the pickup also.

OK so now I am sweating and the 3 Thai teen-punks who are also along for the ride chained up sitting across from me are absolutely loving the show unfolding before them and are pi55ing themselves laughing. I suppose they need a good sense of humour to take their minds of where they are headed.The Cop sitting next to me kindly informs me "you f****** farang you make big problem in Thailand, you in Thailand now <deleted>***** farang" etc etc etc. Having no idea what is coming next I just wait untill we arrive at the station.

While at the station I am told to sign my name and am punched on the side of the head when I try to do so with a chorus of laughter from all the cops there and also the teenage punks who are waiting to be processed. this happens again and I refuse to write anything when I am thrown to the floor and proceed to catch one hel_l of a beating. I couldn't do anything but curl up into a ball and take it. Anyway I am finally saved by an older cop who shouts at all the other cops and they leave me alone. The old dude speaks to me in Thai and I reply in Thai which sends him crazy as I pretended all the time that I was a tourist fresh off the plane ( don't ask me why I just thought it would look better :o )

Anyway in the end he shouts at me to get out and even opens the door for me !! only to kick me in the ass FULL FORCE as I walk out.

I don't need to be told twice and leg it as fast as possible out of there and jump into the nearest taxi without asking him if he will take me OR telling him where I am going (bai-nai? BAI BAI BAI LEEO LEEO !!!!) but he fully understood when I told him what had just happened.

That night my GF said that it had probably been my fault and that I should not have pushed the guy with the tree branch - some sympathy uh? but she changed her tune two days later when she saw me walking out of the shower with my sides,back and backside turning crazy purple/green/yellow shades due to the bruises. When she told her mum she went balistic & demanded to know what police station this happened in but I did not tell her as I believe that I got off very lightly compared to what could of happened. After all bruises will heal but a stint in the monkey house followed by deportation and blacklist........... :D:bah:

Be Careful..................

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years living here ... and trips before living here .... Zero bad experiences with police.

Be happy about that.

But don't be jaded, sometimes things can go terribly wrong here. Drunk cops, as the guy has encountered can be a nightmare, and beatings and worse in police stations are well documented.

What would you do if a drunk cop with a chip on his shoulder starts beating you, and not leaving you alone, regardless of what you try do?

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I also have to make it clear that the drunk guy with the stick was not in any uniform at all. I shouldn't have pushed him but it wasn't hard anyway - he was very drunk. Besides the last whack with that branch stung !!!

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An earlier topic on this board about a guy who had a bad experience with a traffic cop jogged my memory of an incident which happened to me in Bangkok last year. Not posted here for ages (as am back in UK :o ) so I thought I'd share it and see if anyone has similar experience (and if so just how common is this type of thing?!?!)

Worst experience with police I had..........I was eating a fish at the side of the road by myself in BKK while chatting with the staff when some pissed up Thai guy taps me on the head with a tree branch. He kept on doing this getting harder every time so I flipped out - stood up and pushed him on hiss ass.

Boss of the restaurant runs out & tells me I have to go and that he "is police" :D so please pay up and go. I pay & leave without getting my change and start pegging it down the street to get a taxi REAL QUICKLY when a pickup truck screeches besides me and 2 police jump out and grab me (this time they are in uniform) then handcuff me to the back of the pickup :D :D :bah: crowds are gathering to witness the spectacle and the guy I threw on his ass returns the favour. He is blind drunk and ranting at me and insists on getting in the pickup also.

OK so now I am sweating and the 3 Thai teen-punks who are also along for the ride chained up sitting across from me are absolutely loving the show unfolding before them and are pi55ing themselves laughing. I suppose they need a good sense of humour to take their minds of where they are headed.The Cop sitting next to me kindly informs me "you f****** farang you make big problem in Thailand, you in Thailand now <deleted>***** farang" etc etc etc. Having no idea what is coming next I just wait untill we arrive at the station.

While at the station I am told to sign my name and am punched on the side of the head when I try to do so with a chorus of laughter from all the cops there and also the teenage punks who are waiting to be processed. this happens again and I refuse to write anything when I am thrown to the floor and proceed to catch one hel_l of a beating. I couldn't do anything but curl up into a ball and take it. Anyway I am finally saved by an older cop who shouts at all the other cops and they leave me alone. The old dude speaks to me in Thai and I reply in Thai which sends him crazy as I pretended all the time that I was a tourist fresh off the plane ( don't ask me why I just thought it would look better :o )

Anyway in the end he shouts at me to get out and even opens the door for me !! only to kick me in the ass FULL FORCE as I walk out.

I don't need to be told twice and leg it as fast as possible out of there and jump into the nearest taxi without asking him if he will take me OR telling him where I am going (bai-nai? BAI BAI BAI LEEO LEEO !!!!) but he fully understood when I told him what had just happened.

That night my GF said that it had probably been my fault and that I should not have pushed the guy with the tree branch - some sympathy uh? but she changed her tune two days later when she saw me walking out of the shower with my sides,back and backside turning crazy purple/green/yellow shades due to the bruises. When she told her mum she went balistic & demanded to know what police station this happened in but I did not tell her as I believe that I got off very lightly compared to what could of happened. After all bruises will heal but a stint in the monkey house followed by deportation and blacklist........... :D:bah:

Be Careful..................

Such a sick story and a good reminder of the attitudes of some people here. These should be the people you are able to turn to for help, not to get you ass kicked in...............

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years living here ... and trips before living here .... Zero bad experiences with police.

Be happy about that.

But don't be jaded, sometimes things can go terribly wrong here. Drunk cops, as the guy has encountered can be a nightmare, and beatings and worse in police stations are well documented.

What would you do if a drunk cop with a chip on his shoulder starts beating you, and not leaving you alone, regardless of what you try do?

Walk away .... :o

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Always more to it than these stories tell, Every single story I've seen happen or have heard from both sides it seems that it is deserved.

So someone is tapping you on the head with a twig? so what, ignore it, leave or turn it into a joke - no reason to start pushing people about. I've only ever been treated with the upmost courtesy by the police and I've seen people push their patience, a lot - Only when pushed to the very brink will they react - and then its with reasonable force.

Seriously, if you enjoy violence, then keep it at home, no point coming here - I have yet to see someone push someone else over in a friendly manner, if thats your only recourse to someone acting a bit of a twit then best not to come here.

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Always more to it than these stories tell, Every single story I've seen happen or have heard from both sides it seems that it is deserved.

So someone is tapping you on the head with a twig? so what, ignore it, leave or turn it into a joke - no reason to start pushing people about. I've only ever been treated with the upmost courtesy by the police and I've seen people push their patience, a lot - Only when pushed to the very brink will they react - and then its with reasonable force.

Seriously, if you enjoy violence, then keep it at home, no point coming here - I have yet to see someone push someone else over in a friendly manner, if thats your only recourse to someone acting a bit of a twit then best not to come here.

Are you out of your mind? This is police brutality we're talking about here. If the man is guilty of being an ###### or not, it's not even important. Is this happening back home? I agree that the laws for some punks are a little bit soft, but beating a guy on the floor in a police station until his body turns green, this is completely unacceptable.

Let me tell you my story that could have ended in the same way this guy's story ended or maybe worse. I was in Pattaya driving my motorbike on the Beach Rd. when suddenly a police guy in a civilian car (I noticed he was a policeman once he came out of the vehicle) caught my lane coming from the right and breaked just in front of me so he culd turn left in the intersection. I felt, both my and my thai GF and I didn't even do anything, I just woke up, check if my gf is ok and then sweared, pretty loud. Even if the police guy was rushing to get somewhere, he turned around and got out of the car and started shouting and swearing, tried to punch me when his mate (an older policeman) came and told him to back off and told me (I will never forget those words, his face and his voice): "You're in Thailand now, you're a f*****g farang and you have no right here..." Did I do something wrong? NO Was I just a step away for getting myself severly injured from a car accident? YES Was I polite swearing? NO Am I human? YES

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I also have to make it clear that the drunk guy with the stick was not in any uniform at all. I shouldn't have pushed him but it wasn't hard anyway - he was very drunk. Besides the last whack with that branch stung !!!

Why didnt you just walk away from the situation ? :o

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I also have to make it clear that the drunk guy with the stick was not in any uniform at all. I shouldn't have pushed him but it wasn't hard anyway - he was very drunk. Besides the last whack with that branch stung !!!

Why didnt you just walk away from the situation ? :o

There's a lot of wannabe former SAS men and ultimate fighting champions amongst the expat crowd here. I think with the inflated egos goes along with the lack of good judgement when it comes to the natives. When you're not in your "hood" the best thing to do is to tell him to stop and then back off. It's never worth getting into a confrontation here because things will always be against you.

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Always more to it than these stories tell, Every single story I've seen happen or have heard from both sides it seems that it is deserved.

So someone is tapping you on the head with a twig? so what, ignore it, leave or turn it into a joke - no reason to start pushing people about. I've only ever been treated with the upmost courtesy by the police and I've seen people push their patience, a lot - Only when pushed to the very brink will they react - and then its with reasonable force.

Seriously, if you enjoy violence, then keep it at home, no point coming here - I have yet to see someone push someone else over in a friendly manner, if thats your only recourse to someone acting a bit of a twit then best not to come here.

This is rather incredible.

A guy has been beaten repeatedly with a stick over the head by a drunk man who turned out to be a cop, was arrested for pushing that man, and beaten to a pulp in a police station, and there are people out here who tell him that it was his own fault to be victim of illegal police brutality, even defending the action of the cops!!!??? :o

How long would you people tolerate some stranger beating you with a stick over your head while you have dinner? Are you walking away and say thank you, t'was awfully nice to be beaten, tomorrow again, please? Just because this is Thailand, and you are a foreigner it is perfectly alright for a stranger to beat you?

Excuse me, but most people could have ended up in such a situation, i would have. And i would hope that my official ID would be respected as usual, and not just ignored, as can happen when you deal with drunk brutal people with a chip on their shoulder.

The drunk did not wear uniform, and did not identify himself as a cop. Most people would not push a uniformed cop, naturally, even if he is in the wrong. I must say though that on one occasion i was screaming at two uniformed cops paid to arrest me when they wanted to enter my house illegally without a court warrant.

The OP was dragged to the police station, and beaten up. Nothing warrants such a treatment. And there is no law in Thailand that allows cops to beat anyone up who was arrested. There is no excuse for this. It happens here regularly, mostly to Thais, but it is illegal, regardless to whom this happens.

I don't understand you people. Just because you found your personal paradise in Thailand, you are going so far that you blank out anything that is terribly wrong in this country, and even accuse a person that landed in such a nightmare of having it brought upon himself.

Just because this is Thailand does not make it police brutality and abuse of power right.

I just wish you people so comfortable will never have to experience the terror of being at the whim of such dirty cops, or anybody else that has power over your life.

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years living here ... and trips before living here .... Zero bad experiences with police.

Be happy about that.

But don't be jaded, sometimes things can go terribly wrong here. Drunk cops, as the guy has encountered can be a nightmare, and beatings and worse in police stations are well documented.

What would you do if a drunk cop with a chip on his shoulder starts beating you, and not leaving you alone, regardless of what you try do?

:D I'd scream for the machete' wielding bike gangs to come to my immediate aid! ... then call the secret police to help .. then get the bosses of the PAD to help .. then get drugged in Pakistan! ..... ok ... just teasing :D:o:D

Since that isn't what happened in this story it is a hypothetical .... but I'd do what I always do ... I'd 'be nice' ... then walk away ... but do so while 'being nice'. In the case of the story in question ... I would NOT have laid my hands on the man ... cop or not. <remember the OP didn't know he was a cop > Again ... I am smarter than to put my hands on another when I don't feel my life is at risk :D

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Always more to it than these stories tell, Every single story I've seen happen or have heard from both sides it seems that it is deserved.

So someone is tapping you on the head with a twig? so what, ignore it, leave or turn it into a joke - no reason to start pushing people about. I've only ever been treated with the upmost courtesy by the police and I've seen people push their patience, a lot - Only when pushed to the very brink will they react - and then its with reasonable force.

Seriously, if you enjoy violence, then keep it at home, no point coming here - I have yet to see someone push someone else over in a friendly manner, if thats your only recourse to someone acting a bit of a twit then best not to come here.

This is rather incredible.

A guy has been beaten repeatedly with a stick over the head by a drunk man who turned out to be a cop, was arrested for pushing that man, and beaten to a pulp in a police station, and there are people out here who tell him that it was his own fault to be victim of illegal police brutality, even defending the action of the cops!!!??? :o

How long would you people tolerate some stranger beating you with a stick over your head while you have dinner? Are you walking away and say thank you, t'was awfully nice to be beaten, tomorrow again, please? Just because this is Thailand, and you are a foreigner it is perfectly alright for a stranger to beat you?

Excuse me, but most people could have ended up in such a situation, i would have. And i would hope that my official ID would be respected as usual, and not just ignored, as can happen when you deal with drunk brutal people with a chip on their shoulder.

The drunk did not wear uniform, and did not identify himself as a cop. Most people would not push a uniformed cop, naturally, even if he is in the wrong. I must say though that on one occasion i was screaming at two uniformed cops paid to arrest me when they wanted to enter my house illegally without a court warrant.

The OP was dragged to the police station, and beaten up. Nothing warrants such a treatment. And there is no law in Thailand that allows cops to beat anyone up who was arrested. There is no excuse for this. It happens here regularly, mostly to Thais, but it is illegal, regardless to whom this happens.

I don't understand you people. Just because you found your personal paradise in Thailand, you are going so far that you blank out anything that is terribly wrong in this country, and even accuse a person that landed in such a nightmare of having it brought upon himself.

Just because this is Thailand does not make it police brutality and abuse of power right.

I just wish you people so comfortable will never have to experience the terror of being at the whim of such dirty cops, or anybody else that has power over your life.

I really wish you would read the post first, then put your brain in gear, then respond!!!

The OP was NOT being 'beaten over the head' with a stick!!!!

He was 'tapped' on the head with a tree branch!!!

At that stage it would be obvious that the perpetrator was drunk and possibly looking for trouble. The best advice is to leave your 20baht khao pat on its plate and walk away, live to fight another day.

In relation to your experience, I am surprised that you found yourself in that position. I thought that you , like myself,were able to make a quick phone call to your 'contacts' and the problem would be resolved. It seems your contacts are not highly placed?

Anyway back on topic. The OP should have walked away, even though what happened to him was wrong, it could have been avoided

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It's very easy to say you'd walk away and I'm not saying it isn't the best advice but tempers can flare, if you was repeatedly hit on the head with a stick harder and harder isn't there just a chance your temper would go as well?

I admit I think I'd find it hard to get up and walk away while some &lt;deleted&gt; was hitting me on the head with a branch. I couldn't guarantee I wouldn't end up in the same situation as the OP. It looks like he didn't get a chance for phonecalls so I wouldn't be too sure of high up contacts to resolve the matter before you'd already taken a beating.

If he'd of walked away who can say the cop wouldn't have followed him and carried on doing it? Was the situation really so avoidable? I don't think anybody can say that.

Sh1tty story anyway, not nice to hear how powerless we can be sometimes.

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This is rather incredible.

A guy has been beaten repeatedly with a stick over the head by a drunk man who turned out to be a cop, was arrested for pushing that man, and beaten to a pulp in a police station, and there are people out here who tell him that it was his own fault to be victim of illegal police brutality, even defending the action of the cops!!!??? :o Snip...

I think nobody is condoning the cops behavior, the other posters are just stating the fact, this is Thailand, like it or not, react only when your life is at risk.

Was this a life threatening episode? I don't think so.

He should have walked away, and the problem was solved. Instead he took a big risk. Weapons are popular here, and you know it, he could have been easily stabbed or gunned.

Don't get me wrong I fully understand your feelings. The problem is, justice here is just a joke.

And from my limited experience here (3 years) some people are just troublemakers (I don't know the OP, I'm not talking about him), it's not even what they say or what they do, it's just the wrong attitude in this country. I never had a problem here, cops, imm. offices, girls, people in general.. I must be a pretty boring guy after all :-)

edit: shoot the 2 previous posts were not there while I was writing my post, sorry for the repetitions

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It's very easy to say you'd walk away and I'm not saying it isn't the best advice but tempers can flare, if you was repeatedly hit on the head with a stick harder and harder isn't there just a chance your temper would go as well?

Nope ... not a chance of that ... brains plus self control go a long way :o

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It's very easy to say you'd walk away and I'm not saying it isn't the best advice but tempers can flare, if you was repeatedly hit on the head with a stick harder and harder isn't there just a chance your temper would go as well?

Nope ... not a chance of that ... brains plus self control go a long way :o

Brains and self control have always kept me safe in Thailand too, but I have never had first hand experience of a person repeatedly bashing me on the head with a stick before so I couldn't say for sure I don't think. People seem to be under the impression that all farangs that get beaten up on killed in Thailand because of a mistake the farang made, I guess it's comforting, but it's not true.

Again who's to say that if he had walked away the guy wouldn't have come after him, he was obviously spoiling for a fight.

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There probably are some decent police out there but I have not met many in 12 years of living in Thailand. Fact is they spend most of their time collecting fines from road users that can't afford to be pulled over for a trumped up charge while letting the Merc drivers go.

I have a story from an incident in Pattaya from 4 years ago which I can't be bothered to relate, suffice to say I would not piss on a Pattaya cop if he was on fire.

Try calling the cop station to complain about any kind if incident short of murder in your soi and you'll never get them to mve their fat, lazy, corrupt &lt;deleted&gt; out of their comfortable chair.

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It's very easy to say you'd walk away and I'm not saying it isn't the best advice but tempers can flare, if you was repeatedly hit on the head with a stick harder and harder isn't there just a chance your temper would go as well?

Nope ... not a chance of that ... brains plus self control go a long way :o

Brains and self control have always kept me safe in Thailand too, but I have never had first hand experience of a person repeatedly bashing me on the head with a stick before so I couldn't say for sure I don't think. People seem to be under the impression that all farangs that get beaten up on killed in Thailand because of a mistake the farang made, I guess it's comforting, but it's not true.

Again who's to say that if he had walked away the guy wouldn't have come after him, he was obviously spoiling for a fight.

Again ... walk away ...

he didn't describe a BAD situation ... he described an ANNOYING situation he made bad

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So someone is tapping you on the head with a twig? so what, ignore it, leave or turn it into a joke - no reason to start pushing people about. I've only ever been treated with the upmost courtesy by the police and I've seen people push their patience, a lot - Only when pushed to the very brink will they react - and then its with reasonable force.

The OP said branch not twig! :o

Touching someone on the head in Thailand in considered a grave insult with loss of face, if this had been done to a Thai the result would have been much more serious then a shove in the side.

Edited by Chris.B
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In five years here I've never had a bad experience with the police - always found them to be courteous and helpful. But there again I walk away from something when I need to and I don't wander around flouting either the laws of the country or the laws of common sense. It's easy to gripe about them being lazy and staying in their offices all day but there again, if you had to pay for your own petrol to go out on patrol you'ld probably do the same thing. I can fault the overall police system which does need to be revamped but I can't fault individual cops under the circumstances.

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Interesting points here....

Yes in hindsight I could have avoided this but I am also human and there is more to the story. The fish was a steamed lemon/chilli deal costing a lot more than 20 baht, plus I was getting them to prepare a meal for my GF for when I got back to her house. If I had walked away then I would of lost a few hundred baht. I was really hungry that day so ordered a lot. Also I was enjoying the conversation with the staff as it wasn't very busy at that time and I did have a couple of Singha's.

Probably a combination of all things led me to overact but it all happened so fast and it is not possible to know what you will do in a certain situation on any given occasion.

Morale of the story I suppose is probably don't lash out at someone in a foreign country unless it is absolutely necessary, but I don't really think I deserved the treatment I got :o

PS : This is the first time in over 4 years in Thailand that anything like this has happened with police. I have found them to be helpful and also humorous in the past.

ya luum damruat prataet Thai andarai !!! :D

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I really wish you would read the post first, then put your brain in gear, then respond!!!

The OP was NOT being 'beaten over the head' with a stick!!!!

He was 'tapped' on the head with a tree branch!!!

At that stage it would be obvious that the perpetrator was drunk and possibly looking for trouble. The best advice is to leave your 20baht khao pat on its plate and walk away, live to fight another day.

In relation to your experience, I am surprised that you found yourself in that position. I thought that you , like myself,were able to make a quick phone call to your 'contacts' and the problem would be resolved. It seems your contacts are not highly placed?

Anyway back on topic. The OP should have walked away, even though what happened to him was wrong, it could have been avoided

Regarding my experience, no, i do not need to call "high level" contacts to get rid of two bent low level cops. They apologized and left, after they realized that it would be a bad idea to arrest me illegally.

The problem with "high level" contacts is, that unless in utter need, it is better to avoid asking for favors and therefore putting yourself in debt to them. Nothing comes for free in this world.

Anyhow, it seems that most posters here are saints, being cool and calm when faced with any provocation, and all just walk away when hit over the head repeatedly with a stick by a stranger.

As to JDinasia's claim of only defending when in danger of losing ones life - well, a drunk stranger here in Thailand hitting you over the head with a stick is a grave insult, i can't imagine anything worse than this. People have been killed for much less. Only somebody out for a serious conflict would do something like that. No, most possibly i would not just have pushed the person, i would have knocked him out straightway and then legged it.

And no, before anybody accuses me of being a lose cannon who should have stayed in the west - i would hope that i never get into such a nightmarish situation here. I am not looking for a fight, and i never had to physically fight in almost two decades here, even though there were a few close situations.

Edited by ColPyat
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I really wish you would read the post first, then put your brain in gear, then respond!!!

The OP was NOT being 'beaten over the head' with a stick!!!!

He was 'tapped' on the head with a tree branch!!!

At that stage it would be obvious that the perpetrator was drunk and possibly looking for trouble. The best advice is to leave your 20baht khao pat on its plate and walk away, live to fight another day.

In relation to your experience, I am surprised that you found yourself in that position. I thought that you , like myself,were able to make a quick phone call to your 'contacts' and the problem would be resolved. It seems your contacts are not highly placed?

Anyway back on topic. The OP should have walked away, even though what happened to him was wrong, it could have been avoided

Regarding my experience, no, i do not need to call "high level" contacts to get rid of two bent low level cops. They apologized and left, after they realized that it would be a bad idea to arrest me illegally.

The problem with "high level" contacts is, that unless in utter need, it is better to avoid asking for favors and therefore putting yourself in debt to them. Nothing comes for free in this world.

Anyhow, it seems that most posters here are saints, being cool and calm when faced with any provocation, and all just walk away when hit over the head repeatedly with a stick by a stranger.

As to JDinasia's claim of only defending when in danger of losing ones life - well, a drunk stranger here in Thailand hitting you over the head with a stick is a grave insult, i can't imagine anything worse than this. People have been killed for much less. Only somebody out for a serious conflict would do something like that. No, most possibly i would not just have pushed the person, i would have knocked him out straightway and then legged it.

And no, before anybody accuses me of being a lose cannon who should have stayed in the west - i would hope that i never get into such a nightmarish situation here. I am not looking for a fight, and i never had to physically fight in almost two decades here, even though there were a few close situations.

Finally, somebody makes sense here...I was beggining to question my mental health

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Apes use branches and twigs but mostly as a tool to poke around for termites or reach for food. Other living creatures just haven't made much progress after millions of years of evolution. :o

I would have first bought him whiskey or a beer to shut him up and THEN knocked him on his ass had the alcohol bribe not worked.

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As to off topic comments regarding "fat ass lazy cops" who don't leave their police stations when called, we should keep in mind that their budgets don't even include money for gasoline let alone vehicles to drive. Much of the "tea money" collected goes to buy gas and other essentials that their budgets don't cover.

Many of our attitudes about police come from the west where, relatively speaking, the police are well funded.

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Drunk troublemakers are the same everywhere not just in Thailand ... come to my hometown in England on a Friday or Saturday night and you'll run into far more idiots in 1 night than you would in 5 years here.

If you are slightly street smart and have a semblance of common sense you will walkaway when this kind of incident occurs.

If I had decked every drunk person that ever annoyed me then I would have very bruised knuckles and more than likely be writing this from a prison somewhere.

Remember pride come before a fall !

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Said it before on the Patters board.....pay peanuts get monkeys.

All around the world there are good cops who do it for a vocation. However, the majority see it as an interesting, often secure job that keeps their family in food and a reasonable roof.

In LOS take out the very few vocation types and what do you have left?

If the Govt continues to pay &lt;deleted&gt; wages and as has been said on here, often continue not to provide even the basics to get the job done, the result is a bunch of people who behave like branch man on a regular basis. If you are not in it for pride and civic responsibility, in the LOS and all over the world, if the pay and conditions are crap you are in it for the gun, the power, and the abilty to be a big man with a stick in a cafe when pissed.

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