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My Day Out In Patong Phuket.


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I went to Patong last week to get a hair cut and see a few mates. I spent an hour or so with a friend, then went to get a haircut, but she/he wasnt available. I decided to go to Central instead and do a bit of shopping as well. It was 1.30 pm.

I was driving up Nanai rd, music on and enjoying my day off. Next thing a car behind me starts beeping its horn and flashing its lights, for me to pull over. Curious I did just that.

As I pulled over, the car parked in front of me and I sat and waited until someone got out, finally after 2 minutes a young Thai guy gets out alone, so I get out and ask him in Thai what was wrong. He started shouting the standard Thai"phrases" and I asked him what the hel_l he was on about. He said I had hit his car :D , I hadnt hit anything to my knowledge!

Anyway within 1 minute (unprovoked), he pulled out a knife and tried to stab me, he lunged 3 times and luckily I was quick enough to deflect two and the last one he nicked my arm. I then proceeded to punch the living crap out of him in the middle of Nanai Rd - I was basically fighting for my life.

I had the guy pinned to the road, trying to get him to calm down and from behind I could here footsteps coming fast, as I looked around I was smashed in the face with a rock half the size of house brick and 5 other Thais, started laying into me. I knew if I went down I would probably be kicked to death or stabbed repeatedly and as I was between my truck and a shop, I wasnt in plain view of any passer bys. I got out from their beating and stood up in the middle of the road, so their would be more witnesses if I met my demise and to also try and get some help.

I looked for my phone, but it had been stolen by ? whilst I was getting stoned to the head, I couldnt call for help, nor was any offered by the 100 or so people that gathered, even the farangs :o . Whilst in the middle of the road, the 6 Thais, still were packing around me and saying, ###### you farang, go back to your country etc, the usual mongel Thai talk and flying out at me as I was looking at another. In the end I couldnt have cared and I swung and swung and kept on swinging until the police finally arrived.

When the scene had died down only the Thai guy in the car was still around out of the bunch that atacked me, plus the 100 or so crowd.

Im not sure if I will press charges, due to not wanting a court date in another 2 years (thats how slow it is) and do I need more grief with this sadistic bastard that has no regard for life. The police have given me 1 week to think about it - what would you guys do?

I have been in Phuket for 10 years or so now and what I have been seeing lately and what happened to me is becoming to normal. I feel anti farang sentiment a lot more since the government coup, I think Thai people have lost direction and laws seem to have been relaxed - who knows my face hurts and Im rambling.

In the end I ended up with a broken finger, 7 stitches to my arm and a badly broken nose that will require plastic surgery to correct it. It is smashed in 11 places inwards. I am off for the surgery tomorrow. I think I was quite lucky as he did try to kill me.

Moral - dont stop, if getting flashed to pull over by a normal type car, drive to the nearest police station and then get out.

Edited by Tornado
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All I can say is <deleted>! I can't believe that 100 people just stood around watching this happen whether they be farang or Thai. Nice to know you can rely on someone to help you out in a situation like this :D If it was me then I would definitely go for the pressing charges. It may do nothing in the end but if you do nothing then it's like saying you are condoning these actions. If these type of people start seeing that they can do this with impunity then watch the rates of this type of attack escalate. I don't know what the legal system here is like with regard to your situation but if it was me at least I would be trying to make these clowns pay and maybe send a message that this IS unacceptable.

As I said though I've had no experience here with the law etc except for a small rental problem that I got sorted out in my favour (and want to keep it that way) so I don't honestly know how successful you would be. I do stand by my comment though of attempting to take this as far as you can. If we kep saying that we don't want to ruffle any feathers and just let this type of thing go then it's like an open invitation to start doing this others as well. Just because you're not Thai doesn't mean you have to accept a beating whenever some local decides to give you one. Make the p##cks pay! I wish you a speedy recovery as well mate and I'm only sorry I wasn't there to lend you a hand. That really p#sses me off......100 people standing around watching a guy get beaten up with the possible outcome being death....aaaaagggggghhhhh :o

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Press charges....... Go for a civil case with financial implications as well. This guy needs to do jail time at a minimum. Doesn't matter what his issues are behind this behaviour (drugs, family, girlfriend problems etc), his pulling a knife on you needs heavy police action (you need to make heavy threat of financial damages in the civil suit so you have something to negoitate down after he sobers up and comes crawling too you for forgiveness, an insurance policy as such).

The others that joined in where trying to protect there own(happens here and other places as well), there part in this was unnecessary and a knee-jerk reaction to a countryman in distress. I would guess that these guys would be happy to have a drink with you (not that you would like too) under other circumstances, if they knew you and how the situation developed. In no way is it right, but your the odd one out and always will be.

I have seen the pack-of-dogs sydrome here many times. Nothing has changed in 20 years, so don't feel this is an immediately problem with todays youth. The main issue is to avoid situations where it can develop. You had little chance to avoid, my sympathy is with you at this time... cheers..

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Im not sure if I will press charges, due to not wanting a court date in another 2 years (thats how slow it is) and do I need more grief with this sadistic bastard that has no regard for life. The police have given me 1 week to think about it - what would you guys do?

Sounds like a nightmare. Sorry tho hear wats happened to you. I would go to court, it's not so important how long you have to wait for. If you don't do it, this guy will try this again, knowing that the stupid Farang anyway will duck and do nothing. And his friends maybe will do the same. And in time you are waiting for the court date, you may look for a more friendly country to spend your time. Wish you a spedy recovery.

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Im not sure if I will press charges, due to not wanting a court date in another 2 years (thats how slow it is) and do I need more grief with this sadistic bastard that has no regard for life. The police have given me 1 week to think about it - what would you guys do?

Sounds like a nightmare. Sorry tho hear wats happened to you. I would go to court, it's not so important how long you have to wait for. If you don't do it, this guy will try this again, knowing that the stupid Farang anyway will duck and do nothing. And his friends maybe will do the same. And in time you are waiting for the court date, you may look for a more friendly country to spend your time. Wish you a spedy recovery.

that is insane.

i believe under the law here you can choose to go civil or criminal, not both, pleas correct me if i am wrong, that is how is was explained to a freind of mine who was attacked.

good luck with that nose.

Edited by t.s
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Very sorry to hear of this. :o:D:D

I agree entirely with the reasons others have given for pressing charges. I would, however, understand if you did not.

All the best for your physical and mental recovery. Counselling may be a good idea. You will undoubtedly experience shock and post-traumatic stress reaction is possible.

P.S. What do others think about bringing his story to the attention of newspapers - good or bad path to pursue ?

Edited by WaiWai
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Im not sure if I will press charges, due to not wanting a court date in another 2 years (thats how slow it is) and do I need more grief with this sadistic bastard that has no regard for life. The police have given me 1 week to think about it - what would you guys do?

Sounds like a nightmare. Sorry tho hear wats happened to you. I would go to court, it's not so important how long you have to wait for. If you don't do it, this guy will try this again, knowing that the stupid Farang anyway will duck and do nothing. And his friends maybe will do the same. And in time you are waiting for the court date, you may look for a more friendly country to spend your time. Wish you a spedy recovery.

that is insane.

i believe under the law here you can choose to go civil or criminal, not both, pleas correct me if i am wrong, that is how is was explained to a freind of mine who was attacked.

good luck with that nose.

Under existing law, the poice will deal with the criminal case, an additional civil case can be added with significant financal penalty for damages such as hospitalisation, broken nose etc..

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Press charges and carry it all the way; but keep a VERY LOW profile until the whole thing is over.

Didn't you post a while back that you had a problem with a Thai guy and you ended beating him up? Maybe this is pay-back from a friend/relative? Or am I confusing you with another poster?

I believe you did not hit anyone with your car. So.....if you didn't hit anyone with your car and this is not pay-back it is very scary indeed; an un-provoked attack on a farang.....simply because he is a farang.

Scary stuff. Best wishes for a full and quick recovery.

I've only been here 1.5 years but I made a decision early on to stay away from the touist areas. The Thai's see the constant stream of farang throwing around 1K baht notes like water; some can't handle it and become very bitter towards farangs and then...............

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I would go to court, it's not so important how long you have to wait for. If you don't do it, this guy will try this again, knowing that the stupid Farang anyway will duck and do nothing. And his friends maybe will do the same.

I agree... do not let him off the hook... it will discourage him and his mates from trying a similar stunt on someone else.

In the meantime, you can use some of your contacts to find out more about him... and his past. It may prove dividends.

Sorry to hear about this Torny... for this to happen to a farang local is appalling. I wonder what would have happened if it had been a non-Thai speaking tourist victim, rather than you.

Don't let him get away with it.

PS. I hope you mend quickly... take care.

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im the sort of guy that thinks pay back is good, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth and a nose for a nose.

its too bad you dont know where this guy lives as it would be very easy to pay someone to extract a bit of revenge on this dude.

like dont hurt him too much, just break his <deleted> arms and legs. :D

its ok to get the cops involved but at the end of the day its your word against his and you being a farang will get no justice.

anyway mate,

good lesson for next time and dont stop.

just to make you feel better this sort of thing happens in perth as well. :o

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Upon reading this I'd like to echo Jimmy's first sentence.

Was in Patong a few weeks ago with the missus. The last time I went before that was around this time last year, and it seems to have changed a lot over this 12 month period.

All I can say is that the mood and attitude from the locals working there is no longer reflective of the population. The touts on the street are not just irritating, they're downright bloody aggressive. Sure enough, there was some fracas to be seen every night with the punters. What fools entertain their intimidation techniques, I don't know, but it clearly must work with some people.

Service in restaurant's was sometimes excellent, but most of the time substandard compared to the rest of the country.

Bottom line is Phuket is still on the map, but Patong very much isn't.

Hope you have a prompt recovery Tornado.

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Very sorry to hear of this. :o:D:D

I agree entirely with the reasons others have given for pressing charges. I would, however, understand if you did not.

All the best for your physical and mental recovery. Counselling may be a good idea. You will undoubtedly experience shock and post-traumatic stress reaction is possible.

P.S. What do others think about bringing his story to the attention of newspapers - good or bad path to pursue ?

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An incident like this, regardless of country or between what race is appalling, i do hope you follow up with legal proceedings if you can. Wish you a speedy recovery.

My only question would be is this absolutely an unprovoked attack, or has there been a case in the past that would have started this off?

All the best.

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Sorry to hear about this Tornado.

Its sad that its so typical and accepted by the Thais to behave like this. I drive through Nanai almost everyday, and almost everyday I somehow wind up with some lunitic tailgating me and flashing lights(no doubt most of these folks would love for me to pull over so they can take out some of their personal problems on me). What is with these people? Why are they such assh#les? Its like they are trying to say to me, "how dare I try to drive carefully?". :o

There is a complete disregard for fellow humans going on here in phuket. There is no sidewalk so all pedestrians are forced to walk on the narrow roads. Then add in nutcase a$%h^&es speeding around a crowded neighborhood like its a highway and its no wonder so many people die and are seriously injured in phuket. Only thing is that none of the locals seem to give a rat's ass and just keep driving faster and dying by the dozens. Its maddness! Oh well, I guess its their country and they have to live in it....

I hope there is some way u can stick it to that bastard, but I doubt it. I know a lot of people on here won't agree, but it makes me feel good to hear that u kicked the shit outta a few of them at least. Lucky u made it though alive and hopefully nobody else will have to go through this, although it seems like this is becoming all to common.

Good luck in your recovery.

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sorry to hear about the attack and hope you heal up quickly.

as another poster asked , in all the fracas did you manage to get the license number of the car ?

assuming you havent upset someone in the past and this is some kind of payback , i would press charges , perhaps talk with the police about it first.

as you have been here a long time , do you have any good contacts to advise / help you in this.

and i agree with you about how the mood of this country is changing.

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I went to Patong last week to get a hair cut and see a few mates. I spent an hour or so with a friend, then went to get a haircut, but she/he wasnt available. I decided to go to Central instead and do a bit of shopping as well. It was 1.30 pm.

I was driving up Nanai rd, music on and enjoying my day off. Next thing a car behind me starts beeping its horn and flashing its lights, for me to pull over. Curious I did just that.

As I pulled over, the car parked in front of me and I sat and waited until someone got out, finally after 2 minutes a young Thai guy gets out alone, so I get out and ask him in Thai what was wrong. He started shouting the standard Thai"phrases" and I asked him what the hel_l he was on about. He said I had hit his car :D , I hadnt hit anything to my knowledge!

Anyway within 1 minute (unprovoked), he pulled out a knife and tried to stab me, he lunged 3 times and luckily I was quick enough to deflect two and the last one he nicked my arm. I then proceeded to punch the living crap out of him in the middle of Nanai Rd - I was basically fighting for my life.

I had the guy pinned to the road, trying to get him to calm down and from behind I could here footsteps coming fast, as I looked around I was smashed in the face with a rock half the size of house brick and 5 other Thais, started laying into me. I knew if I went down I would probably be kicked to death or stabbed repeatedly and as I was between my truck and a shop, I wasnt in plain view of any passer bys. I got out from their beating and stood up in the middle of the road, so their would be more witnesses if I met my demise and to also try and get some help.

I looked for my phone, but it had been stolen by ? whilst I was getting stoned to the head, I couldnt call for help, nor was any offered by the 100 or so people that gathered, even the farangs :o . Whilst in the middle of the road, the 6 Thais, still were packing around me and saying, ###### you farang, go back to your country etc, the usual mongel Thai talk and flying out at me as I was looking at another. In the end I couldnt have cared and I swung and swung and kept on swinging until the police finally arrived.

When the scene had died down only the Thai guy in the car was still around out of the bunch that atacked me, plus the 100 or so crowd.

Im not sure if I will press charges, due to not wanting a court date in another 2 years (thats how slow it is) and do I need more grief with this sadistic bastard that has no regard for life. The police have given me 1 week to think about it - what would you guys do?

I have been in Phuket for 10 years or so now and what I have been seeing lately and what happened to me is becoming to normal. I feel anti farang sentiment a lot more since the government coup, I think Thai people have lost direction and laws seem to have been relaxed - who knows my face hurts and Im rambling.

In the end I ended up with a broken finger, 7 stitches to my arm and a badly broken nose that will require plastic surgery to correct it. It is smashed in 11 places inwards. I am off for the surgery tomorrow. I think I was quite lucky as he did try to kill me.

Moral - dont stop, if getting flashed to pull over by a normal type car, drive to the nearest police station and then get out.

Just be careful how you go about pressing charges. Obviously the situation was self defense, however, a thai court will not see it this way under the eyes of the law.

A guy hits you, you do not retaliate, you can have him charged by the police, without any problems concerning yourself.

If you retaliate in kind the police are usually obliged to lay charges against you as well & then the court will sort it out, laying appropriate blame to the concerned parties. (read being involved in a melee for Australian people)

The self defense theory in Thailand doesn't exactly work the same way as in the west. If you have a friendly lawyer, a little advice on this situation would be very much advised.



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Just doesn't sound too believable to me. Car honks and u wait 2 min. to find out what he wants? A 100 people and noone at all comes forward?

Seen it many times. It's like a free movie. NOBODY helps. They stand and watch. One maybe calls a farang hospital to get the commission on the new patient.

Go get em Tornado. Sorry to hear it happened, hope you are better; you are right, don't stop when this happens, go to the police station.

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Nightmare scenario Tornado, I hope you fully recover soon.

What has happened to Phuket? All I seem to hear from that island these days are stories of violence.

What happened with the other 5 people, I wonder if they knew the guy from the car or just jumped in because they saw a farang fighting with another Thai? What a bunch of ######.

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Very sorry to hear of this. :o:D:D

I agree entirely with the reasons others have given for pressing charges. I would, however, understand if you did not.

All the best for your physical and mental recovery. Counselling may be a good idea. You will undoubtedly experience shock and post-traumatic stress reaction is possible.

P.S. What do others think about bringing his story to the attention of newspapers - good or bad path to pursue ?

I was shocked and angry to hear of your plight you have my sympathy and I hope you get well soon. :D

I agree with WaiWai especially the bit abit about the newspapers.

But the real reason for writing this, I just dont understand why no-one got arrested. No ivestigation no charge's no access to the law, I'm living in Chiangmai and I've only been here 6 months have I got a lot to learn, because I don't like what I'm reading

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Things are changing here againts Foreigners. About four months ago a BMW didn't think I got out of the way fast enough and threw something at my car. I followed them to get their license so my wife could tell the police and they tried to run me off the road. We both stopped and then three thai guys came out, one with a machete and one with a scabbard and the other just jumping around. The fat guy kept yelling in thai, "do you know who I am?" I did not. Before the police showed up, I had smashed in the back window of the BMW, smashed in three dents with my fists and ended up chasing the guy with the machete around the the BMW while the fat guy was hiding in the machete. The guy with the scabbard had run down the road. The police showed up, we want all to the police station and the "do you know who I am guy" wanted money for his banged up car. The police said would I pay and I said yes if A. he went to jail or B. I got another whack at him. My wife's whole family showed up and the fat guy's bravado (limited somewhat, by now) went down even further. In the end, I paid nothing. Oh yes, I went Trailer Trash on him and ripped my shirt off while I was trying to chase them all down. I did get a nice cut on my wrist and hand from defelecting away a machete chop and smacking him down. There we a dozen thais watching seemingly cheering me on and giving me the thumbs up sign. They momentarily ran when I was in my blood rage and went at them but then tried to calm me down. The guy had money as it was a new BMW and the costs to fix it must have been pretty high but I think the police told them that what they did was assault and battery or something but my wife's family kept me out of the proceedings and kept saying to me that they "would take care of the 'do you know who I am' guy later on". I feel for you, buddy because what are you supposed to do when you are attacked? You were smart to flail away and get in the open for everybody to see you. As for the farangs who did not help, well, that is another story.

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this is bad news, but i dont think its any worse than western country's and just dont stop unless its police.

we sometimes get car jacking in perth , attacks on taxi drivers and also attacks on innocents the same as this.

we just had a cat jailed for 27 years for pulling over 2 english backpackers and assasinating the boyfriend in the australian outback. :D ( no reason what so ever )

also road rage is a big problem. someone makes a mistake and some nutter attacks the driver with a crow bar.

i dont know punting friends,

i recon the whole world has gone absolutely nuts. :o including phuket. :D

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Things are changing here againts Foreigners. About four months ago a BMW didn't think I got out of the way fast enough and threw something at my car. I followed them to get their license so my wife could tell the police and they tried to run me off the road. We both stopped and then three thai guys came out, one with a machete and one with a scabbard and the other just jumping around. The fat guy kept yelling in thai, "do you know who I am?" I did not. Before the police showed up, I had smashed in the back window of the BMW, smashed in three dents with my fists and ended up chasing the guy with the machete around the the BMW while the fat guy was hiding in the machete. The guy with the scabbard had run down the road. The police showed up, we want all to the police station and the "do you know who I am guy" wanted money for his banged up car. The police said would I pay and I said yes if A. he went to jail or B. I got another whack at him. My wife's whole family showed up and the fat guy's bravado (limited somewhat, by now) went down even further. In the end, I paid nothing. Oh yes, I went Trailer Trash on him and ripped my shirt off while I was trying to chase them all down. I did get a nice cut on my wrist and hand from defelecting away a machete chop and smacking him down. There we a dozen thais watching seemingly cheering me on and giving me the thumbs up sign. They momentarily ran when I was in my blood rage and went at them but then tried to calm me down. The guy had money as it was a new BMW and the costs to fix it must have been pretty high but I think the police told them that what they did was assault and battery or something but my wife's family kept me out of the proceedings and kept saying to me that they "would take care of the 'do you know who I am' guy later on". I feel for you, buddy because what are you supposed to do when you are attacked? You were smart to flail away and get in the open for everybody to see you. As for the farangs who did not help, well, that is another story.

your a true legend my friend and this is exactly the way to deal with these sort of people if one is tough enough.

sometimes violence is the only way to go. :D but one must be able to follow it through.

i salute you and keep up the good work. :o

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Moral - dont stop, if getting flashed to pull over by a normal type car, drive to the nearest police station and then get out.

Absolutely, I have been flashed on many occasions and never stop, even in the UK.

Really sorry to hear this old buddy. :o Is it really getting that bad in LOs? My predicted retirement is only a four years away [ when I'm 45 ]

For waht it's worth, I would take the fcker to court.

Take care Tornie !


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