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142 Divorces In Just 3 Months Between Thais And Foreigners In One City

sriracha john

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Over 100 Thai women file for divorce with foreign husbands in Khon Kaen in 3 months

Khon Kaen - A total of 142 divorce cases were sent to the Khon Kaen Civil Court in just three months, most of them involving with Thai women seeking divorce from their western husbands, a senior judge said Saturday.

Patikorn Khonpipit, chief justice of the Juvenile and Family Court in Khon Kaen, said the divorce cases reached the court during July 1 to September 30.

He said most of the cases were filed by Thai women who wanted to get divorce from their foreign husbands.

The judge said Khon Kaen was one of the provinces with a lot of Thai women getting married with foreigners and many of them became disillusioned later so they filed for divorce.

- The Nation

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Good heavens!! If this report is true, it states Thai women seeking divorce, (as opposed to foreign husband seeking divorce). That's an awful lot of Thai women who seem to be unhappy with their foreign husbands.

Perhaps the guys' funds became exhausted??


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give us percentages if possible. soemthing like in usa 50% of marriages end up in divorce.

for thai, what % of farang, rural gurl marriage end unhappily.

the pessimist i am, i dont think $s run out, man just dont want to give. i mean wasnt that y gurl marry farang in first place.

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give us percentages if possible. soemthing like in usa 50% of marriages end up in divorce.

for thai, what % of farang, rural gurl marriage end unhappily.

the pessimist i am, i dont think $s run out, man just dont want to give. i mean wasnt that y gurl marry farang in first place.

this is what happens when people come to thailand fall in love stay for 2 weeks go home come back in a year and get married,they find they are not compatible ,different veiws on life .

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give us percentages if possible. soemthing like in usa 50% of marriages end up in divorce.

for thai, what % of farang, rural gurl marriage end unhappily.

the pessimist i am, i dont think $s run out, man just dont want to give. i mean wasnt that y gurl marry farang in first place.

this is what happens when people come to thailand fall in love stay for 2 weeks go home come back in a year and get married,they find they are not compatible ,different veiws on life .

Or the premium bond winnings run out :o


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although I had some matrimonial problems while living in thailand my marriage has been successful but I am with someone of my own age and I would say of similar "looks".....she not being a young slim nubile etc....I remember standing at Mo chit bus terminal some 8 years ago noticing a sudden influx of newly arriving farangs all loaded up with their suitcases and thinking "if only they knew what they were letting themselves in for!) :o

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although I had some matrimonial problems while living in thailand my marriage has been successful but I am with someone of my own age and I would say of similar "looks".....she not being a young slim nubile etc....I remember standing at Mo chit bus terminal some 8 years ago noticing a sudden influx of newly arriving farangs all loaded up with their suitcases and thinking "if only they knew what they were letting themselves in for!) :o

I quite agree Dee.

I'm still looking for a nasty old crone with a bad attitude to match my own.


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.....good on ya naka.......I suggest everyone looking for a spouse should at least live in thailand a couple of years to know what their up against......the northeast was especially difficult a few years back when there weren't many farangs around to give advice.....but I made through the tough times(just).......I have known thai ladys with several partners at the same time 1 german 1 swiss 2 english an american ......it was just a bit awkward not calling each new arriving buffallo by the previous ones name....ha ha ha :o ....oooh the storys I could tell!

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Agree with blizzard. This statistic doesn’t mean that much on its own. I mean if there were 1500 marriages every three months between Thai girls and Western guys it would mean the divorce rate was only 10%. Therefore, these marriages were highly successful.

From a personal point of view as my Thai gf of two years is of the same educational background as me, just a little younger and doesn’t come from a village, I am hoping not to become one of these statistics.

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Good heavens!! If this report is true, it states Thai women seeking divorce, (as opposed to foreign husband seeking divorce). That's an awful lot of Thai women who seem to be unhappy with their foreign husbands.

Perhaps the guys' funds became exhausted??


Perhaps his drinking is the problem. Why do you assume the women are at fault? :o

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....yeah but I dont think there are many more than a hundred farang men living in khon khaen. let alone within an3 month period!

dee123 Very good point and I wonder if the court in Khon Kaen is the central lodgement spot for divorces.

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Agree with blizzard. This statistic doesn’t mean that much on its own. I mean if there were 1500 marriages every three months between Thai girls and Western guys it would mean the divorce rate was only 10%. Therefore, these marriages were highly successful.

From a personal point of view as my Thai gf of two years is of the same educational background as me, just a little younger and doesn’t come from a village, I am hoping not to become one of these statistics.

As someone else said, there's not a whole lot of Westerners married in that one city, for which the Court would have jurisdiction.

For this many in just 3 months, the divorce rate must be astronomical, even by the Western-typical 50% standard.

It harkens back to the 90% marriage-failure rate between the thousands of Filipina women and American sailors while the Navy base was there.

Edited by sriracha john
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The latest news suggests either that many country girls think they have already received sufficient investment or are no longer prepared to pay the price of an unsatisfactory marriage.

My favorite gem. I guess they are afraid to say "soaked the sucker to his last baht."

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Prehaps that many Farang - Thai marraiges have failed there due to guys think that it is a pass to approach other women.

K K is not Pattaya.

I,m not being derogatory towards anyone in Pattaya by the way.

The figure seems to be very high,,,,,

Edited by soihok
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A couple of things:

The article says "most" of these marriages were Thai divorcing foreign men. So, the number we are given here is not completely disaggregated from Thai/thai divorce. However, I don't doubt that it could be high.

Secondly, is there another commonality that could be the factor? Are most of these divorces from a similar nationality, or just a collection of foreign nationalities?

Could the tight visa laws and plunging dollar be taking effect?

Or perhaps, as Guesthouse mentioned, albeit as a joke, is there some kind of group mentality going on, or alternative "opportunities"?

Also, we are only looking at one town. We have the issue of unreliable statistics, and the fact that many marriages are not registered. There are probably a myriad of ways these marriages end besides divorce as well.

Just a couple of thoughts.

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Prehaps that many Farang - Thai marraiges have failed there due to guys think that it is a pass to approach other women.

K K is not Pattaya.

I,m not being derogatory towards anyone in Pattaya by the way.

The figure seems to be very high,,,,,

Ok KK is not Pattaya, sure. But where do you think most Pattaya tricks come from? Most are from Issan, I would like to know how many of these marriages that ended in divorces included at one point or another:

1) Bar Employment

2) Online Marriage services

3) Less than a 90 day engagement

I bet if you factor out those 3 things you will find that the rate of divorce is SIGNIFIGANTLY Lower.

Know yourself and marry close to your age and class or don't marry at all. There really is no reason that you MUST marry to enjoy life here. I wonder why so many men end up in the absolute wrong marriage here that they would never consider getting into in their own country.

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