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Swedish Man Arrested And Charged After He Assaults A Singer From Walking Street Discotheque.


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Swedish man arrested and charged after he assaults a singer from Walking Street Discotheque.



Tourist Police based on Walking Street were called to Lucifer’s Discotheque on Wednesday Night by Khun Paemigar aged 31 who works as a singer at the establishment. She claimed that she had just been assaulted by a foreign patron inside the bar and wanted him arrested.

Tourist Police detained Mr. Kid Nordberg aged 47 from Sweden who had arrived in Thailand earlier on Wednesday. He confirmed to Police that he had touched the woman’s rear end after exiting the toilets. He immediately apologized to the victim who was adamant that he be taken to Pattaya Police Station for charging.

Upon arrival at Pattaya Police Station, Police Lieutenant Colonel Preecha took up the case and spoke with both the victim and the suspect. Khun Paemigar repeated to the officer that she wanted him charged with assault and would not settle for anything less.

Mr. Nordberg was then taken to the cells and appeared in court the next morning where he was ordered to pay a small fine and sent on his way.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 28th September 2006

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The girl look rightly pissed. I don't blame her for being upset as most non P4P girls do their utmost to distinguish themselves from those that are in the game. This physical *abuse* may just be a culmunation of dozens of flirts and suggestions over the years on the job at Lucifer.

To the Swede, SOMNAMNA! (serves you right--in Thai).

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The girl look rightly pissed. I don't blame her for being upset as most non P4P girls do their utmost to distinguish themselves from those that are in the game. This physical *abuse* may just be a culmunation of dozens of flirts and suggestions over the years on the job at Lucifer.

To the Swede, SOMNAMNA! (serves you right--in Thai).

I happen to know this case very closely since this Swede is a client of mine and I have now helped him with this case also.

1. The news report is incorrect stating the "small fine" etc. The case is that he was pressed to pay the police 200 000 baht in cash. Out of what he got a receipt of 100 000 and was then the next day rightly returned the extra 100 000. The remaining 100 000 baht is the bale sum out of what is deducted what ever the "victim" (now the "victim" is not very clear in this case... read ahead.) gets her compensation.

2. Mr Kid spent all night and half of the next day in jail. After what he was released without his passport in order to stop him running out of the country. (This is pretty normal way to keep the "criminal" within reach. Actually the only normal in this case...)

The "victim" does not want money and wants to carry the case untill Mr. Kid is convicted to a jail-term. These are her words. After these 3 days of the happening she still wants to get him in the jail.

This means up to 2 years of waiting for the court case and this time Mr. Kid cannot go out of Thailand.

This "victim" also attacked viciously immediately after the "assault" on Mr. Kid causing him damage to his eye. She was of course never accused of this since she is the "victim" here.

Mr. Kid himself describes that he touched the girls bottom; yes. 2 times very softly and friendly slapping to have room on the alley while exiting from the toilet. A gentle touch with a smile but obviously not too gentleman-like behaviur and this of course he regrets.

I have also a friend here who claims to have more or less nasty experiences of a very similar looking "lady" and from the very same premises.

So all you out there near Lucifer: take care to be far enough of this singer girl!!!

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Maybe I am just paranoic but there are ALL the details of a BIG scam in this.

This another friend of mine happened to be attracted to a singer girl of Lucifer, who very much is like the girl in the pictures, and was scammed to pay the girl some extra compensation out of services not provided... Claims of abusing and harrasment etc...

Then again, it might be that this girl has nothing to do with that.

It is just not very normal how she reactes to this "assault" of the Swede.

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The girl look rightly pissed. I don't blame her for being upset as most non P4P girls do their utmost to distinguish themselves from those that are in the game. This physical *abuse* may just be a culmunation of dozens of flirts and suggestions over the years on the job at Lucifer.

To the Swede, SOMNAMNA! (serves you right--in Thai).

###### straight. Back here in NYC, you try this and chances are you'd get a lot worst than a black eye. Not every girl in LOS is open game for every blonde Euro to fondle at will.

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Dunno Swede put himself in it - don't grab a lady's arse then no worries. If wanted to take the lady out in question then why doesnt he make a date?? If she declines then move along.

If she doesnt want dosh or anything from him - it seems this is genuine not a scam at all.

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The girl look rightly pissed. I don't blame her for being upset as most non P4P girls do their utmost to distinguish themselves from those that are in the game. This physical *abuse* may just be a culmunation of dozens of flirts and suggestions over the years on the job at Lucifer.

To the Swede, SOMNAMNA! (serves you right--in Thai).

I happen to know this case very closely since this Swede is a client of mine and I have now helped him with this case also.

1. The news report is incorrect stating the "small fine" etc. The case is that he was pressed to pay the police 200 000 baht in cash. Out of what he got a receipt of 100 000 and was then the next day rightly returned the extra 100 000. The remaining 100 000 baht is the bale sum out of what is deducted what ever the "victim" (now the "victim" is not very clear in this case... read ahead.) gets her compensation.

2. Mr Kid spent all night and half of the next day in jail. After what he was released without his passport in order to stop him running out of the country. (This is pretty normal way to keep the "criminal" within reach. Actually the only normal in this case...)

The "victim" does not want money and wants to carry the case untill Mr. Kid is convicted to a jail-term. These are her words. After these 3 days of the happening she still wants to get him in the jail.

This means up to 2 years of waiting for the court case and this time Mr. Kid cannot go out of Thailand.

This "victim" also attacked viciously immediately after the "assault" on Mr. Kid causing him damage to his eye. She was of course never accused of this since she is the "victim" here.

Mr. Kid himself describes that he touched the girls bottom; yes. 2 times very softly and friendly slapping to have room on the alley while exiting from the toilet. A gentle touch with a smile but obviously not too gentleman-like behaviur and this of course he regrets.

I have also a friend here who claims to have more or less nasty experiences of a very similar looking "lady" and from the very same premises.

So all you out there near Lucifer: take care to be far enough of this singer girl!!!

Wow. Great advice. In other words it's okay to slap a girl's ass you don't know.....just not THIS girl. :D

If my wife had gone to the toilet or whatever and some <deleted> slapped her ass....I'd be going to jail.... :o I'm tired of these farangs coming here and doing stupid $hit like this; makes those of us who try hard to fit in and be respected look bad.

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Wow. Great advice. In other words it's okay to slap a girl's ass you don't know.....just not THIS girl. :D

If my wife had gone to the toilet or whatever and some <deleted> slapped her ass....I'd be going to jail.... :o I'm tired of these farangs coming here and doing stupid $hit like this; makes those of us who try hard to fit in and be respected look bad.

So you agree that the sanctions compared to the severity of the crime are in reasonable measures? 2 years waiting for the court case + possibile (short) jail/term after that + all these financial compansations and expenses + a damaged eye?

Well, go ahead and live in your world with your attitude which seems to be severely rotten. I would like very much to see you passing a street on a red light and doing some similar aftermaths with that. I would ENJOY maling similar comments on you and who great a-hole + <deleted> you are to commit such a crime and how TIRED I am too such idiots in Thailand!

The Swede admits of course that it was a bit of an act of idiotism to be too friendly towards an unknown woman but from his part it was an act of friendship. He was NOT trying to do any "move" towards this ... woman: merely trying to make his way out of the toilet as he was getting back to his daughter and out of this bar.

There is the crime: no-one denys it. But there is no common sense in the sanctions.

The Swede is at the moment without his passport and it might be so for the next 2 years. The "victim" has not dropped the case and at least at the moment is not asking for money. This might change since it is very propable that she is playing this game to get EVERYTHING possibile out of it. More the Swede needs to wait, more he is willing to pay to get out. So 100 000 or 200 000 is nothing. We might be talking millions in a few weeks here.

LoveDaBlues: Take a look in the mirror and say again the same you said in your previous posting! You will agree that you are JUST the same IDIOT as you claim this Swede to be!!!! (Yes; I am an idiot also but the difference is that I KNOW it. So I'm a step ahead you.)

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I think there may be more to this story than meets the eye! Ok, feeling a girls arse may be out of line but…….it comes with the territory in Pattaya!.....and as already mentioned by someone else, how many times has the role been reversed where the Thai girl is doing the feeling???

Maybe this ‘singer’ has a few close friends at the bottom of soi 9 ???. Again I must say that I am not defending this guys actions, but if this is the road we are heading down….. as soon as so many girls get on to this scam, the ‘fun’ city of Pattaya will not fun for much longer!

Everybody has an opinion.

Desertcam :o

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Maybe he decided to slap her after hearing her sing? :D

This could pretty much be it :D Afterall, I think that was a one in a lifetime opportunity for het to get in the newspaper :o

Wonder why didn't he tried to slap the hip hop singer's bottom inside the disco...at least she was a stunner :D

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And yes: I do have a wife and I can imagine if someone slapped my wife on her bottocks.

My reaction might also be anger but VERY PROPABLY NOT.

IF, for some reason, I would be having an awfaully bad day, and react with anger, a sincere apology from the "womanizer" would be sufficient.

My wife, nor me, would NOT act violently and this is because I am a grown-up person.

I have done years of muayi so I could do easily involve myself in a fight. But I am not SO STUPID!

My wife then would never use this slapper to squueze hundreds of thousands out of him. She is a reasonable person and could not live with this kind of blackmailing.

Has anyone of you, throwing shit on this Swede, occured on your mind that MAYBE this "victim" was there just to wait for something like this to happen, and is using this to get everything out of this situtation?

As an insidet to this matter, all the details of this, make me think more and more that the "victim" is very pleased to be a victim here and was actually "fishing" this to happen.

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I know you can't judge a book by its cover and there may be many a girl out there who would be genuinely offended by the swedes actions somehow i dont think this girl is one of them...............she looks like a money grabbing biatch to me who has seen an opportunity to make a bit of cash. :o

Now if he had stuck to Soi 6 he'd be ok. :D

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I always buy them a drink before i start man handling them

One time i was on the Skytrain and this hot TG and her freinds stood near, They were all

looking at me and I at them, i go over to the hot one and whispered in her ear "Aroi mak"

She looked at me angrily and i backed off a bit, her friends asked what i said and she told

them and they started laughing. Her freinds then started pushing her near me saying stuff

i could not understand, then she stood near me on her own but i was afraid to say anything else

after that look :D:o

Bad deal this Swede guy is getting...

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